Parkside Church Westside Blog

Building Biblical Marriages Course

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All around us, marriage is not only being called into question, it’s being scorned and dismissed as “outdated,” re-invented because it’s “hopelessly out of touch,” or simply ignored as irrelevant. What does the Bible have to say about the institution of marriage? Whose idea is it, and what is the purpose of marriage? What should a Christian marriage look like, and how do we get there?

Whether you’re already married, engaged, dating, or single and wondering whether marriage is a worthwhile goal, join us this fall at Parkside Westside as we examine God’s design for marriage. We’ll look closely together at the Biblical foundations of marriage and examine their implications for our lives and for the church.  

The course will run from early September to early December and consist of both whole-group meetings and couple-to-couple or couple-to-singles mentoring/discussion sessions. Check out the schedule here, and make plans to join us for what we’re praying will be a significant time for us at Parkside Westside.

Course Sign-up


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