Parkside Church Westside Blog

Four Biblical Principles for Corporate Worship

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Worship is just Singing...Right?

At a recent Core Team Gathering Mike Yurkovich helped us to think through the nature of worship. We often associate the word "worship", within the church, as the singing of praise. In many ways this is understandable but the Bible teaches us that all of life is an occasion for worship.

Warren Wiersbe summaries the nature of worship as “a response of all that we are to all that God is, says, and does.” It involves our mind, emotions and will in both subjective experience and objective obedience to God’s revealed truth. It is a life lived to the glory of God, motivated not by duty but by love for Him.

Mike reminded us about this larger scope of worship and then drilled down into four biblical principles that should shape the singing of praise within our Sunday services.

Four Biblical Principles for Corporate Worship 

  1. It is God-Centered
  2. It is Word-Centered
  3. It is Intelligible
  4. It is Authentic

You can download an edited transcript from Mike's talk that fleshes out these four points in much more detail.


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