Lent & Holy Week Gatherings
Fasting Together During Lent | Four-Week Study Group
Sundays | March 16, March 23, March 30, April 6, 5:00pm
During Lent it's common for many Christians to fast from food as a way of turning ourselves from worldly things and setting our minds and hearts more fully on God. For those who would like to learn and think together about these things, Matt McAlvey will be leading a four-week study group on Sunday evenings. Dinner will be provided so if you’d like to participate please fill out the registration form.
Fasting Together During Lent | Fellowship Meal
Thursdays | March 20, March 27, April 3, April 10, 6:00pm
Lent is the period of forty days leading up to Easter Sunday when Christians throughout history have reflected on the significance of Jesus coming into the world to die for their sin. During Lent it's common for many Christians to fast from food as a way of turning ourselves from worldly things and setting our minds and hearts more fully on God. Fasting has a way of revealing the fleshly desires that drive us and awakening us to our great need for reliance on God. It’s for reasons like this that we’ve set aside four Thursdays during Lent to fast together as a church. Some may decide to skip only breakfast or lunch. Whatever you prayerfully decide, we invite you individually to fast during the day, and then bring along dinner for yourself (brown bag it, Panera Bread it, etc.) to the church building and meet in the lower level. During that time we’ll break bread together and then take some time to pray together.
Listen to this Sermon on Fasting
Holy Week | April 14-20
Vespers | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, 6:30pm
The word “vespers” means evening prayer. Going back for many centuries Christians have gathered for vespers as a means of spiritual formation in the context of community. We'll be meeting for about 45 minutes of reading, singing, prayer and reflection as we move through the days of Holy Week. The liturgical structure of each night will be the same, but the content will be different for each gathering, and the evenings aren't sequential. In other words, come for one night or all of them as they'll each be a little different.
There is no childcare being offered and there will be no livestream available.
Creative Arts Night | Saturday, 7:15pm
Join us for an evening of reflection on Christ's resurrection, explored through various creative art forms. If you appreciate art, perhaps you will consider being a participant. The event will consist of a program of poetry, spoken word, and songs presented by various participants, as well as a gallery of visual art created by others (including paintings, drawings, or photographs). Submissions for the performing arts program do not need to be original work; you might consider reading a poem that has been particularly impactful to you, or performing a song by a favorite artist.
Work must be submitted in advance and will be considered based on clarity of expressing the theme of Christ's resurrection. Please submit your work by Monday, April 9. There is no childcare being offered.
Good Friday Services | Friday, 4:00pm or 6:00pm
Join us as we reflect upon the death and substitutionary atonement of our Lord Jesus together. We encourage you to invite friends and family members. You'll find invite cards in our welcome area which you are free to take along with you and pass out.
Children's ministry will be offered at the 4:00pm Good Friday service, for birth through toddler ages. Childcare for kids with special needs will also be offered.
Easter Sunday Services | Sunday, 9:30am or 11:00am
Join us as we reflect upon the resurrection of our Lord Jesus together. We encourage you to invite friends and family members. You'll find invite cards in our welcome area which you are free to take along with you and pass out.
Children's ministry will be offered for birth through toddler ages during both Easter services. Childcare for kids with special needs will be offered during the 11:00am service.