On Sundays
Children's Ministry is offered for kids from birth through 5th grade, in the following classes:
- Nursery (Birth up to 2 years)
- Toddlers (2-3 years)
- Preschool (4-5 years, not yet in Kindergarten)
- Kindergarten - 1st Grade
- 2nd - 3rd Grade
- 4th - 5th Grade
*Preschool through 5th Grade classes are only offered during the 10:30am service, while Nursery and Toddlers classes are offered during both the 9:00 and 10:30am services.
If you would like to serve in Children's Ministry, please use the link below to begin the process! If you have any questions about your child or serving with us, please contact our Children's Ministry Coordinator, Lisa Ours.
When you arrive, make your way to the children's check-in area, which is located in our welcome area adjacent to the auditorium. We will add your child's name to our digital registration system, print off a name tag for your child, and provide a label for you to turn in when you pick up your child. The process is simple and provides a safe and secure setting for kids.
Children learn from The Gospel Project which teaches them the big picture of God's story. This curriculum is an exciting, Christ-centered approach that takes children chronologically through the Bible. During these lessons, Christ is central and all stories lead back to Jesus and what He has done for us.