The latest news for October 27, 2024
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Cleveland Pregnancy Center Fundraiser
Cleveland Pregnancy Center (CPC) supports soon to be mothers and mothers in need. They provide ultrasounds, mentoring, a boutique to shop in, as well as material and financial donations.
Westside will be participating in a baby bottle coin fundraiser during the month of October. Pick up a baby bottle in the welcome area. Fill your bottle with loose change, dollars, or checks during the month of October. Return your filled bottle to the tote at the Welcome Table before October 27th. All money collected will go to the Cleveland Pregnancy Center and the mothers in need they help.
Hope and Healing: Support for those who grieve.
Have you experienced loss? Recently? Some time ago? Have you found a place to share your loss with others and to experience the comfort of Jesus when the body of Christ shares their loss together? Would you be interested in joining others here at Parkside Westside to explore loss together? Please join Hope and Healing: Support for those who grieve. We will meet on Sunday evening from 6-7:30 through November 17th here at the church in Room 110. Contact Richard and Sue Buesch with questions.
Welcome Area Help Needed
Are you looking for a place to serve at Westside? We are in need of volunteers to help at our welcome table after our 11:00am service. If you're willing to help in this way, please contact Scott Ohnmeis.
Women's Gathering - November 1st
Join the women of Parkside Westside for their first Friday of the month gathering on November 1st at 6:30pm in the lower level. We will hear a speaker on her heroes, hardships, and highlights. We will have time for conversation and discussion. Whether you are new to Westside or have been attending for years, we hope to see you there! Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share and RSVP to Krista.
Men's Work Day - November 2nd
The next Men's Work Day is Saturday, November 2nd. Meet at the church building at 8:30am and we'll spend the morning helping members of our church family with odds and ends around their houses. Please contact Nate with questions.
Young Adult Friendsgiving - November 9th
All young adults ages 18-30ish are invited to a celebration of friendship on Saturday, November 9th, at 6:00pm in the lower level. Please bring a favorite dish to share with everyone. Contact Olivia with questions.
Parkside at Prayer - November 10th
Join us as we share a meal and pray together on Sunday, November 10th, at 5:00pm in the lower level. Please bring a side or accompaniment for the meal and RSVP to Matt if you plan to attend.
Parkside Westside Playgroup - November 13th
Join the moms, dads, and caregivers of preschool aged children (ages birth-preschool) for some purposeful play alongside your child and his/her peers. We will meet in the lower level on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 10:30am. *Please note that we will only meet on the 2nd Wednesday in November. We will have stations set up and have some time of song and stories. Feel free to pack your lunches and stick around after to eat together. Questions? Contact Beth. Hope to see you there!
International Women's Tea - November 15th
Ladies, join us for tea and pastries on Friday, November 15th, at 10:30am in the lower level as we seek to have friendly conversations with women wanting to learn or improve their English. Contact Ruth if you plan to attend.