Welcoming Nate Vogel to our Pastoral Team
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Meet Nate Vogel and his fiancé Emma Cook
Please join us in welcoming Nate Vogel to our pastoral team! He will soon be a familiar face as he will be musically leading our Sunday praise. There are other areas of ministry that he will be serving in too and we are thrilled to have him joining us.
Nate grew up in Grand Rapids, MI. After graduating high school, he decided to attend Taylor University where he studied math and physics in hopes of pursuing a career in architecture. His life changed when God opened his eyes to the Gospel and pricked his heart with a passion for ministry. This spark led him to join Parkside's pastoral team in Fall 2014 as an intern and more recently to join Parkside Church Westside as a pastoral assistant.
Nate will marry his college sweetheart Emma in October. Together they enjoy playing bananagrams, sitting around campfires with friends, eating good food, and going for walks at sunset. Nate and Emma are thrilled to commit themselves to Parkside Church Westside's mission - to glorify God by helping people become committed followers of Jesus Christ. They would appreciate prayer as they continue to prepare for marriage, search for housing, and look for a job for Emma.