Meet Nate Vogel and his fiancé Emma Cook
Please join us in welcoming Nate Vogel to our pastoral team! He will soon be a familiar face as he will be musically leading our Sunday praise. There are other areas of ministry that he will be serving in too and we are thrilled to have...
The Parkside Church Westside app is now available in the App Store and on Google Play! This is another way for you to be in the know, have helpful resources for our Sunday gatherings and an easy way to share what is going on.
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We have our July Core Team Gatherings on Sunday, July 19th and 26th, at 5:00pm.
Welcome to Church Community Builder, a web-based church management software that we are using at Parkside Church Westside.
Worship is just Singing...Right?
At a recent Core Team Gathering Mike Yurkovich helped us to think through the nature of worship. We often associate the word "worship", within the church, as the singing of praise. In many ways this is understandable but the Bible teaches us that all of...
Eat, Mingle, Pray
For the Core Team Gathering scheduled on June 28 we are going to swtich up the format for the evening and do things poluck style. We'll provide the hamburgers and hot dogs and you bring along a dish to share. We think this causal time together to eat, mingle and pray will...
Eating seems so obvious and it is. But it is also significant because sharing in a meal it is one of the primary ways in which we slow down and do life together.
Thank You to the University of Akron Lakewood
Beginning in June we're moving to a new location for our Core Team Gatherings. We've been thankful for our time at The University of Akron Lakewood. Unfortunately, they are experiencing a personnel shortage and are stretched too thin to be able...
Will you share what you're thinking?
With six Core Team Gatherings under our belt, we have reached the midway mark to our launch goal! Now that you may have had a chance to check us out, we wanted to take a few moments to check the pulse on your commitment level. Will you take this brief...
At a recent Core Team Gathering, Jonathan Holmes, helped us to be better thinking about life change. By life change we mean that through God's Spirit and our grace-empowered effort, we can make progress in turning away from the brokenness of sin and be transformed into people who love God...