Parkside Church Westside Blog

Thank you and a look ahead
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Hi Friends, Thank you. Thank you to those who’ve been committed to our Core Team Gatherings over these past months. Thank you to those who’ve been helping us with your prayers. Thank you for your flexibility last Sunday at our Core Team Service as we started figuring out how to...

Latest Community News for September 13, 2015
Posted by Rachel Peteya on

First Steps LuncheonIf you’ve recently started attending Parkside Church Westside, then join us for a First Steps Luncheon after the service on Nov 8. We’ll provide lunch at our office location and introduce you to some on our church leadership team. RSVP by filling out the form on...

Office Space - Check that one off the list
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We are really encouraged with the visible favor of God that we've seen over these past few weeks. We've got a location to meet in for Sunday services and we've also got a little office space to operate out of during the week.  We've signed a lease for space on Madison Ave. above the...

We've got a Launch Date
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First Sunday Service is September 27 It's official! The launch date for our Sunday services will be at 10am on September 27. We will be meeting in Garfield Middle School. So invite a friend, co-worker, or neighbor to come along with you and join in. Garfield Middle School13114...

Commissioning and Ordination Service
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Please Join Us... We are pleased to invite you to the commissioning of our church plant and the ordination of Pastor Matt McAlvey who will be leading Parkside Church Westside. Please help us celebrate on September 13th, during the 6:00pm evening service, at Parkside Church in Bainbridge as we...

Playdate at Rocky River Park
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This Thursday, July 30th, from 10am-1pm, Julie MacDonald is inviting moms and kids to meet at the Rocky River Park/Beach for a playdate. Bring along a packed lunch and sand toys for an afternoon of fun and conversation. Feel free to drop her an email if you have questions. Rocky River...

5 Ways to Pray for your Church this Week
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At a recent Core Team Gathering we spent time praying for the launch of our Sunday services as we look forward to gathering as God's people to reach a group of people within the westside suburbs of CLE. Here are five ways in which we were asking God to grant us help. Will you join us...

Welcoming Nate Vogel to our Pastoral Team
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Meet Nate Vogel and his fiancé Emma Cook Please join us in welcoming Nate Vogel to our pastoral team! He will soon be a familiar face as he will be musically leading our Sunday praise. There are other areas of ministry that he will be serving in too and we are thrilled to have...

Download our App!
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The Parkside Church Westside app is now available in the App Store and on Google Play! This is another way for you to be in the know, have helpful resources for our Sunday gatherings and an easy way to share what is going on. Features Get sermon resources Receive timely push...