3+3+3 = Areas of Opportunity
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3 + 3 + 3 = Areas of Opportunity
As we welcome in this new year we wanted to talk numbers with you. Don't worry...you won't need an app to figure out the answer to this mathematics equation. We just need you. We are looking for 3 people to serve on our set-up team, 3 people in our children's ministry and 3 people with our welcoming team. Here's what it looks like:
Set-up and Tear-down Team
Our set-up and tear-down team arrives at 8:30am on a Sunday morning to get things ready for our service and then sticks around until 11:45am to help us pack up. The teams serve together for a month and then are off for a month.
Children's Ministry
Be part of team as a teacher or helper that serves once every three weeks with children from birth-5th grade. We provide all of the training and materials that you need. As part of our screening process a background check is required to serve in this area.
Welcoming Team
Greeters: These are the first people to say hello to those on a Sunday morning and help answer questions for those that are new. Greeter teams serve on a rotating basis.
Ushers: Our friendly ushers help out during the Sunday service by passing out printed materials and guiding people along to a seat. Ushering teams serve on a rotating basis.
If you're ready to jump in please fill out the volunteer sign-up form or send us an email with your questions. Thanks!