But Wait, There's More!
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Over the last several weeks, we have learned about a number of significant developments happening for Parkside Church Westside. On April 28, we learned that our friends at Cross Point Church will be joining our church family at the end of the summer, and this past Sunday, May 12, we learned that an opportunity to purchase a church building continues to develop and progress faster than we could have anticipated.
If you haven’t been able to join us these past few Sundays, we wanted to let you know about this exciting news and to provide you with links to the following resources that will help bring you up to speed:
Better Together: Something New in Lakewood – Listen to Matt’s sermon regarding Cross Point Church blending into Parkside Church Westside. You can also read this recent blog post which includes an FAQ with additional information about how this merger came to be.
What’s in a Building? – Last Sunday’s sermon includes more information about the building and what role it plays in the building up of God’s Church.
If you have questions or would like to pray with someone, please feel free to stop by the Welcome Area on Sundays to meet with an elder. You can also pick up a paper copy of the FAQ regarding the blending of Cross Point into Parkside Westside, as well as a prayer list concerning the building purchase.