Parkside Church Westside Blog

Children's Ministry Changes Beginning February 9th

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We will be making some changes to our children's ministry age groups and locations beginning on February 9. These changes are in response to our growing numbers and intent to facilitate a seamless transition to six classrooms in the new building. Please continue to pray for the hearts of the children who hear the Gospel each Sunday and for our dedicated volunteers who are such a vital part of our church.

Nursery - Birth up to 2 years

Toddlers - 2s & 3s

Pre-K - 4s & 5s (not yet in Kindergarten)
Choir Rm

K-1 - Kindergarten & 1st Grade
Rm 102

2-3 - 2nd & 3rd Grades
Rm 104

4-5 - 4th & 5th Grades

If you are searching for an opportunity to get involved at Westside, would you consider joining our Children's Ministry Team? To get started, simply fill out our Children's Ministry Application.


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