Christmas Store 2019 Wrap-Up
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Over the past several weeks, Parkside Westside once again partnered with Lakewood Schools and the City of Lakewood to help families in need for Christmas. We were able to serve 100 families this year who purchased gifts for about 260 children. We’re thankful for the many people in the schools and City departments who care deeply about Lakewood families and worked diligently to brighten the holidays for so many.
Of course, the Christmas Store didn’t run itself! Over 100 Parkside Westside volunteers thoughtfully purchased gifts, warmly welcomed shoppers, traded holiday stories, expertly wrapped gifts, rubbed elbows with different generations, handed out one-year New Testaments, and genuinely shared the love of Jesus with those who visited the store and with one another. Thank you to everyone who participated in some capacity to make this year's Christmas Store a success!
We’re thankful, too, for the parents who shopped at the Christmas Store over the past few weeks, and for all the children who will be opening gifts on Christmas Day as a result. Please pray that the small kindness represented by the gifts might draw them to the Savior whose birth we celebrate, and so prove to be “for the good of the city” in the greatest possible way.