Five Things to Pray for Your Church
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Five Things to Pray for Your Church*
That Our Church Would Be a Body Growing in Maturity (Ephesians 4:11-16)
Be Equipped – Let’s thank God for the leaders that “Christ himself” has given our church, “to equip the saints for the works of ministry...”
- Pray that our church (and our leaders) would see our leaders in the same way that Paul does – not there to do everything themselves, but to equip all of Christ’s people to do His work. Ask God to give our leaders wisdom in discerning the areas where our people need equipping most, and how best to do that.
Be United – Ask God to help us love, forgive, and be patient with each other “until we all attain to the unity of the faith.”
- Pray that our church’s unity would not come from being similar types of people in the first place, but that it would be a deeper kind: “unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God.” Thank God that through the gospel, such unity is possible!
Become Mature – Pray that our church would be growing more and more “in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ.”
- Pray that our church family would grow “in every way” – in each area of our individual lives.
Be Steadfast – Pray that our church would not be “tossed to and fro by the waves.”
- What difficult circumstances are threatening to unsettle individuals in our church? What biblical teachings may we be tempted to compromise on? Pray that our church would hold to the truth steadfastly. Pray that every person – whether we are preaching from the front, contributing to a Community Group or chatting over coffee – would remain confident in the truths of God’s Word.
Build Each Other Up – Ask God to help our church “grow” and “build” one another up.
- Ask God to give us specific opportunities to do this when we meet together on Sunday. Pray that we would not flinch from speaking hard truth to one another, but that we would do so in love. Thank God that it is by every supporting ligament that the church grows as each part does its work. Pray that those who are on the fringes of church life would come to see the essential role they can play.
Two Events to Pray About for Our Church
Baptism Service – Sunday, July 31
- Ask God to grant strength and boldness to those thinking about being baptized and those needing to be baptized. Pray that God would encourage us as a church as we share in this ordinance and demonstrate our commitment to the gospel.
Community Groups Resumption – September
- Ask God to grant wisdom for our leadership team about what material to work through in our Community Groups. Please pray for unity in the groups, meaningful conversations, and opportunities to help each other reach out to our unbelieving friends.
*Adapted from the book, Five Things to Pray for Your Church