Getting Back to a "Routine"
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Dear Friends,
We continue to be in this three week holding pattern as the schools remain closed at least until April 6, and we all recognize that there may very well be an extension of closures beyond that date. We are prayerfully considering and pursuing future options, should restrictions due to the Coronavirus become more long-term, and we’ll do our best to communicate plans as they become clearer.
For now, we want to give a few thoughts as we transition to what our new “routine” will look like, even though it will feel different. Below you’ll find the outline of our current plan...as of today...which we all know may be completely outdated by lunchtime tomorrow. We’ve broken it down into three areas of focus.
Sunday Online
By the end of the week we’ll be posting a version of our order of service, with recorded content for you to click on and participate in, including songs, readings, prayers, and a pre-recorded sermon from Matt. Please make it your plan to gather at our usual time, 10 AM, with whoever is “quarantined” with you. If it’s nice enough outside and you open your windows, perhaps you’ll be able to hear other Parkside Westsiders “singing loud for all to hear!”
While we won’t be going door-to-door with offering plates, Parkside Westside continues to rely on your regular, generous giving to sustain the ongoing ministry of the church, which doesn’t slow down but actually increases during times of crisis. You can give your regular offering online, either as a one-time or continuing gift, by clicking here; you can mail a check to the office at Parkside Church Westside, 15529 Madison Avenue, Unit 1, Lakewood, OH, 44107; or you can drop it off in person and say hello (as long as you don’t come with 10 or more of your friends).
Weekday Resources
Each day during the week, we’ll be doing something called “At the 7s.” Join in with your family and friends at 7 AM or 7 PM (or both!) for a brief time of prayer each morning or evening. We’ll post online a short Bible reading with a few brief thoughts to consider, along with several guided prayer points to pray through. Look for the content for At the 7s on our website later this week.
We’ve thought it best to shut down meeting in person with our Community Groups and The Neighborhood, for students, at least through March. We feel the loss and disappointment of not being together and resonate with those of you who have expressed similar thoughts. However, we are working on digital avenues of meeting together, and you’ll be hearing more about this soon.
Daily Care
We are available to you as a leadership team. Later this week we’ll have a way to book an appointment to come to our office in person, have a phone conversation, meet via video, or even have one of us come to your home. If you’re someone in our church family who can’t risk going out in public, and you need someone to run an errand or pick up groceries or take you to the doctor... please let us know and we’ll do what we can to help. We want to encourage our church family to be collectively involved in the work of “one-anothering” and loving our neighbors.
It’s right that we should long to be together and that we experience a sense of loss at being forced apart. We must trust ourselves to the providence of God, that His greater, unseen purposes are at work, and that, God willing, we will be gathered together again before long. Until that joyful day, let’s be united in Jesus Christ, though separated physically, and let’s encourage one another during these extraordinary times.
Look for more information later this week, once we’ve assembled all of the details. We’ll continue to keep you updated as we do our best as a leadership team to make prudent decisions during these unprecedented circumstances.
On behalf of the elders,
Jeff Port