Lakewood Christmas Store 2019
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For the past few years, Parkside Church Westside has partnered with friends at Cross Point Church, the Lakewood City Schools, and the City of Lakewood's Department of Human Services to help Lakewood families in need for Christmas.
Families who have been referred by the Lakewood schools receive gift cards to The Christmas Store, where they can shop for gifts for free during store hours while enjoying a festive shopping experience with music, coffee, holiday treats, and a gift-wrapping station.
This year the store will be located in Parkside Westside’s office space, above Barrio at 15529 Madison Ave. You can participate in The Christmas Store by volunteering for one of the activities highlighted below. Sign up on your own, or talk to your neighborhood or Community Group friends and sign up for slots together, in order to help make the holidays brighter for lots of Lakewood families this year.
Help Us Shop for Gifts
Monday, Nov 18
6-8 pm
Join us at 6:00 pm at Chick-fil-A in Rocky River (20801 Center Ridge Rd, Rocky River, 44116) for a quick dinner (on your own) and some Christmas shopping afterward at Target. Our church leadership team has allocated financial resources to The Christmas Store from our annual budget, which simply means that you do the shopping and we’ll pay for the gifts!
Christmas Store Setup
Sunday, Dec 1
1:30-4 pm
Help decorate and organize The Christmas Store at 15529 Madison Ave., at the top left of the stairs above Barrio. We’ll be assembling shelves, putting up lights and trimming trees, and displaying gifts, so we’re ready to open during the week. Sign up on your own, or talk to your neighborhood or Community Group friends and sign up for slots together!
Sign-up for the Christmas Store Setup on 12/1
Christmas Store Hours
Tuesday, Dec 3 10am-2pm
Saturday, Dec 7 10am-2pm
Tuesday, Dec 10 10am-2pm
Saturday, Dec 14 10am-2pm
Help us during store hours by checking shoppers in, wrapping gifts, restocking shelves, and serving refreshments. Sign up for one day or more, by yourself or with a friend.
Sign-up to work the Christmas Store
Christmas Store Wrap-Up
Saturday, Dec 14 2:30-4pm
Help to take down and pack up the Christmas Store so we’ll be ready to provide a great shopping experience for Lakewood families again next year!
Sign-up to tear down the Christmas Store on 12/14
Contact Jeff Port at