Latest Community News for February 21, 2016
Posted by Rachel Peteya on
Join a Community Group
Joining a Community Group is one of the best ways to truly be a part of Parkside Church Westside. Our Community Groups are led by trained leaders and meet twice a month in homes all over the area. We connect for a couple of hours to study the Bible, pray, eat, laugh, and live. Meetings will start in March, visit the Community Groups webpage for more information.
Westside Youth Neighborhood
Westside Youth Neighborhood (grades 6-12) will be meeting weekly on Sunday nights now! Join us tonight, 6-7:30pm, at Nate & Emma Vogel’s home in Lakewood. Next Sunday’s Neighborhood will be at SkyZone in Westlake.
Marriage Matters Workshop
Discover the life-transforming power of the gospel in the unpredictable journey of marriage. Join Parkside Church Bainbridge on Saturday March 19 for a Marriage Matters Workshop with pastor, speaker, and author Dave Harvey. For schedule, cost, and registration link, click here.
Parkside at Prayer
Everyone is welcome to join us for an hour of prayer on Saturday March 19 at 8am at the church offices. Together we will continue to ask for God's grace as we aim to help people become committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Women’s Prayer Time
If you are interested in meeting as a group of women to pray for Parkside Westside, contact Mandy Hockenberger. This would be an opportunity for women to meet in the Hockenberger's home and pray.