Latest Community News for February 7, 2016
Posted by Rachel Peteya on
Westside Youth Neighborhood
Our next Westside Youth Neighborhood (grades 6-12) will be February 14 from 6-8pm at Nate & Emma Vogel’s home in Lakewood.
How People Change and Helping Others Change Workshops
Change in any situation is difficult, and yet God’s Word has so much to say about it. Learn how people change and how to help others change at two Saturday workshops, February 20 and 27, 8:30am-3:30pm at the Bainbridge Campus. To register or find out more, visit www.parksidechurch.com/change.
Marriage Matters Workshop
Discover the life-transforming power of the gospel in the unpredictable journey of marriage. Join Parkside Church Bainbridge on Saturday March 19 for a Marriage Matters Workshop with pastor, speaker, and author Dave Harvey. For schedule, cost, and registration link, visit www.parksidechurch.com/marriagematters.
Monthly Giving Update
Our giving total up through January is $23,966. Budgeted for this year to date is $29,615. We are grateful for your support and generosity.