Prayer Partner Guide for Every Day of the Week
Posted by Matt McAlvey on
As we continue to prepare to church plant we are asking for 200 people to join us as prayer partners. There is a sense in which I am increasingly recognizing the "prayer is the work of ministry." Will you be one of the 200 who join with us in asking God to show us favor, equip us for ministry and see many come to saving faith in Jesus?
Parkside Church Westside Prayer Partner Guide
Please continue to pray with us that the Holy Spirit would bring together people from our community and beyond who are diverse in age, ethnicity, and economic background, but are united through the saving grace of Jesus Christ and committed to praising God the Father forever.
This Prayer Guide is an aid to praying regularly and thoughtfully for the work of the gospel on the Westside of Cleveland. Prayer is vital and the following thoughts will help us pray for those who undertake the Westside church plant work and for all those reached in the name of Christ.
Sundays: Praise God
For his grace and provision of Parkside Church over the course of many years.
For the many people whose lives have been radically changed through gospel ministry, by growth in grace and by the friendships that have taken place among believers.
Mondays: Workers
For the Holy Spirit to nudge and persuade 100 people from all kinds of backgrounds to join the core team of Parkside Church Westside.
For Matt and the team that has already committed to help in the work as they determine God’s direction and consider how to resource and prioritize in decision making.
For wisdom in families who are currently praying about jumping on board.
For children who anticipate the fun and parents who anticipate the change to their normal routines. For a new excitement to build within them for their friends to come to the church.
For a diverse variety of skill and gift sets among the people who are joining to work together in unity.
For people who are joining that they would be growing in holiness and inner life with God (Bible reading, prayer, and a heart for the lost).
Tuesdays: Open Doors
For the Holy Spirit to guide the process of securing a place to meet for Sunday services.
For friendships to begin with other pastors in the area so that they know we are ministering together to see the Westside won and changed for Christ.
For God to open doors of opportunity for people on the core team to serve and welcome their neighbors in their home and church.
Wednesdays: Salvation of Unbelievers
For the core team to be proclaiming the message of the gospel in both word and deed.
For God to break open a wide radical harvest of souls in the Westside region where it would become totally obvious that they would need a place in their community to worship and grow.
For the core team to be preaching the gospel of grace to themselves so that humility and mercy would accompany the speaking of the message.
Thursdays: Westside
For local government, that God would be directing decisions made by the mayors and city councils that would result in favor for the Westside church plant.
For an ongoing connection in the business community that would result in gospel opportunity.
For the community in general, that we would have an opportunity to reach out in various ways to the police, fire, youth programs, elderly facilities, juvenile justice systems, etc.
For residents in general to find us and for God to open a door among the thousands of people in the region to consider worshipping with us.
Fridays: The World
For the proclaiming of the gospel worldwide and for people
in the church plant to begin praying and seeking a harvest worldwide.
For there to be an immediate connection with Parkside missionaries and a number of people raised up from the plant to pursue full-time pastoral ministry and full-time mission work.
For a church plant to begin in 10 years somewhere in the world sent from the Westside church.
Saturdays: Give Thanks
For the provision of time, talent and resources that it takes to carry out the work of the gospel at Bainbridge, Green, Lake,
and Westside.
For the volunteers who are currently serving the Lord.
For the opportunity to serve Christ through showing his love and mercy to the greater Cleveland area.