Thank You ADC Campers and Volunteers!
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We had an awesome week with a fantastic crew at this year's Action Day Camp!
In the mornings at Vacation Bible Camp at Parkside Church in Bainbridge, we discovered how Jonah's story is really God’s story of mercy and grace for sinners. In the afternoons, we went all over to different locations on the east side of Cleveland including the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Hillbilly Heaven, Zip City, and Fun 'n Stuff! We had fun getting to know each other and making new friends.
Of course, none of this could have happened without our wonderful volunteers who shared a week of their summer to serve our kids while showing them Christ's love and care. Also, thank you to everyone who prayed for this week! Please continue to pray that God's Word would continue to impact the lives of the kids who spent the week at Action Day Camp.
Thank you for letting your camper spend the week with us and hope to see you next year!
Have a great summer,
Beth McAlvey
Click here to see photos of the action at VBC in Bainbridge!