The Christmas Store 2018
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For the past few years, Parkside Church Westside has partnered with Cross Point Church, the City of Lakewood, and Lakewood's Department of Human Services to help Lakewood families in need during the holiday season.
The Christmas Store offers both dignity and grace to parents during a very stress-filled time of year by providing a free shopping experience. Too often, parents are cut out of the gift-giving process by well-meaning, non-profit organizations who provide gifts to families in need, but leave out a shopping experience that also empowers parents.
Families who have been referred by the City of Lakewood and have completed an application process will receive a gift card to The Christmas Store where they can shop for gifts (for FREE) during store hours while enjoying a festive shopping experience with music, coffee, snacks, and a gift-wrapping station.
You can participate in The Christmas Store by volunteering to either stock or staff the store (or both!). Here's how you can help:
Volunteer to Serve
We need volunteers on two different days to help us staff The Christmas Store. Grab your friends and sign up for a 2-hour shift on one of the dates below:
- Wednesday, December 5, 10am - 2pm
(We are still in need of 4 volunteers between 10am-12pm) - Saturday, December 15, 10am-2pm
(We are still in need of 1 volunteer between 12-2pm)
This year, the store will be located at 13337 Madison Avenue near Little Caesars.
Help Us Shop for Gifts
Join us on December 3 at 6:00pm at Chick-fil-A in Rocky River (20801 Center Ridge Rd, Rocky River, 44116) for a quick dinner and Christmas shopping at Target.
Our church leadership team has allocated financial resources to The Christmas Store from our annual budget which simply means that you do the shopping and we’ll pay for the gifts!
Contact Debbie Fristik at