The Latest News for April 7, 2019
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Westside Youth Neighborhood
This week, our weekly gathering for students in Grades 6-12 will be meeting at the Ohnmeis' home in Bay Village (30322 Provincetown Lane, Bay Village, 44140). Invite a friend and we hope to see you there!
Membership Classes: April 7 & 14
We invite you to join us after Sunday services on April 7 & 14 to learn more about the process and how church membership is a two-way expression of commitment that changes one's focus from "me" to "we." We'll provide lunch and provide casual childcare for your kids during the class. Please RSVP here by Friday at 1pm so we can plan for enough food.
Palm Sunday Children's Program
Invite a friend and plan to stay after service for a short Palm Sunday Easter program presented by our Children's Ministry lower and upper elementary classes. After a brief intermission at the end of service, the program will begin in the cafeteria.
Good Friday Collaborative Service
In collaboration with several other westside-area churches, we would like to invite you, your family, and friends to join us at LaCentre (25777 Detroit Rd, Westlake, 44145) on April 19 at 7pm as we focus our hearts and minds on Easter and remember Jesus' great love and sacrifice for us. Families are welcome, but childcare will not be provided.
Serve in Our Local Community
Building Hope in the City is looking for a handful of volunteers to help with a house painting project on April 27. If you’d like to help, email Anthony at
. To learn more about Building Hope in the City at buildinghopeinthecity.org.
Save These Summer Dates: June 10-14
Parents and volunteers, save these summer dates for Action Day Camp, a fun-filled week for for students in kindergarten (completed by June) through 5th grade. We'll start our mornings at Vacation Bible Camp at Parkside Church in Bainbridge followed by fun afternoon activities. Action Day Camp is a great opportunity for Westside kids to introduce their friends to Jesus. Start thinking about who you'll invite and stay tuned for more details!