The Latest News for April 9, 2017
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Westside Youth Neighborhood
Westside Youth Neighborhood (grades 6-12) will be taking a break this week. Our next get together will be on Sunday, April 23.
Baptism Service - April 9
Please join us this Sunday, April 9, at 4:30pm at Lakewood Baptist Church (14321 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, 44107) for the baptisms of those who have come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Registration is closed for the meal that follows, but you are encouraged to join us for the service.
Women's Prayer Time - April 12
Join us at Mandy Hockenberger's home (8625 Hollis Lane Brecksville, OH 44141) on April 12 at 7pm as we meet together to pray for Parkside Church Westside. We will unite our voices in prayer asking for God's continued guidance as we help people become committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Good Friday Service - April 14
In collaboration with several other westside-area churches, we would like to invite you, your family, and friends to join us at the DoubleTree Hotel in Westlake (1100 Crocker Road Westlake, OH 44145) on the evening of Good Friday as we focus our hearts and minds on Easter and remember Jesus' great love and sacrifice for us. Families are welcome. No childcare will be provided.
Easter Invite Cards
Easter Sunday invite cards are available at the Welcome Area. Pick up a stack of them and pass them along to friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family.
Children’s Ministry Holiday Schedule
Next Sunday, April 16, there will be no Upper Elementary class. Children in grades 2-5 should attend service with their parents. Nursery, Preschool, and Lower Elementary will still meet.
First Steps Luncheon – April 30
If you’ve recently started attending Parkside Church Westside, then join us for a First Steps Luncheon after the service on Apr. 30 at the church offices. RSVP today!
Parkside at Prayer – April 30
Everyone is welcome to join us for this hour of prayer at the McAlvey's home in Lakewood. We will pray together and then have dinner for anyone who'd like to stick around for another hour. Please send Matt a quick email at
if you are planning to attend. See you there!