The latest news for August 11, 2024
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Family News
We rejoice with Warren and Rachel Carr upon the arrival of their baby girl, Annelise.
We are grieving with Mike & Cindy Yurkovich as they had a grandson pass away during birth this past week.
Baptism Preparation Workshop - August 11th/August 18th
Individuals planning to be baptized are invited to join us for the two-part Baptism Preparation Workshop. We'll meet on Sunday, August 11th and Sunday, August 18th at 10:15am in Room 210. Baptisms will take place during both services on August 25th. Please sign-up here if you plan to attend.
Parkside at Prayer - August 11th
Join us as we share a meal and pray together on Sunday, August 11th, at 5:00pm in the lower level. Please bring a side or accompaniment for the meal and RSVP to Matt if you plan to attend.
International Women's Tea - August 16th
Join us on Friday, August 16th, at 10:30am near the main pavilion north of the playground at Lakewood Park as we seek to have friendly conversations with women wanting to learn or improve their English. Contact Ruth if you plan to attend. Lakewood Park is located at 14532 Lake Avenue.
Biblical Theology Workshop For Women - September 7th
Speaker and author, Nancy Guthrie, will be visiting Parkside Church in Chagrin Falls, and offering a one-day Biblical Theology Workshop for Women on September 7th from 9:00am-3:00pm. No matter how much you already know or don’t know about the Bible, if you’re a woman who wants to know your Bible better, this workshop is for you. Details and registration can be found here.
First Steps Bruncheon - September 22nd
New to Parkside Westside? We'd love to meet you on September 22nd at 10:15am in Room 210. We'll spend some time together after the first service hanging out, answering your questions, and introducing you to some on our leadership team. Sign-up here.