The Latest News for August 13, 2017
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Westside Youth Neighborhood: Welcome Sixth Graders!
Incoming sixth grade students are invited to attend this week’s Westside Youth Neighborhood (grades 6-12) at the Millers home in Grafton (36720 Royalton Rd, Grafton, OH 44044). We will be starting a little earlier this week at 5:00pm. Parents and younger siblings are also invited and dinner will be provided for everyone.
Do You Control Your Phone -- Or Does Your Phone Control You?
Our first book discussion of 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You, by Tony Reinke, will be next Sunday, August 20, at 6:30pm at the church offices (15529 Madison Ave., Unit 1, Lakewood, 44107). There will be two more discussion times on August 27 and 31, so there's still time to pick up a copy of the book at church. A $5 donation is requested to cover the cost of the book which you can put in the offering plate.
Baptisms on August 20
Please join us next Sunday after service at Edgewater Beach Park (6500 Cleveland Memorial Shoreway, Cleveland, 44102) for the baptisms of those who have come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Bring your beach stuff, pack a lunch, and plan to enjoy some time at the beach afterwards.
EOS Youth Retreat: August 26-27
The EOS Retreat is an overnight trip for all students entering grades 6-12. We’ll spend time playing games and soaking up the sun and water at Chautauqua Lake, while building friendships and diving into the Bible together. For more information, or to register, visit parksidechurchwestside.com/EOS.
First Steps Luncheon — August 27
If you’ve recently started attending Parkside Church Westside, then join us for a First Steps Luncheon after the service on August 27 at the church offices. RSVP on our website or through our app.