The Latest News for August 27, 2017
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Children's Ministry Updates — New Classes & Labor Day Weekend
This Sunday, August 27, all children should move up to their new classes. New sixth graders should attend service with their parents and are invited to join Parkside Westside’s youth group, The Neighborhood, which meets Sunday evenings in local area homes.
On September 3, in observance of Labor Day weekend, Upper Elementary students should attend service with parents.
Westside Youth Neighborhood
Because Westside Youth will be returning from their EOS retreat this Sunday, Neighborhood will be taking a break this week. Please check our Calendar of Events for the next get together.
First Steps Luncheon — August 27
If you’ve recently started attending Parkside Church Westside, then join us for a First Steps Luncheon after the service on August 27 at the church offices. Lunch is free, we just need your RSVP!
Book Discussions — August 27 and 31
Our second book discussion of 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You, by Tony Reinke, will be this Sunday at 6:30pm at the church offices (15529 Madison Ave., Unit 1, Lakewood, 44107). Our last discussion will be on Thursday, August 31, also at 6:30pm. Please RSVP here if you're planning to attend.
Women's Prayer Time — September 13
Join us on September 13 at 7pm at Mandy Hockenberger's home (8625 Hollis Lane, Brecksville, 44141) as we meet together to pray for Parkside Church Westside. We will unite our voices in prayer asking for God's continued guidance as we help people become committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Exploring Christianity Explored
This fall, we would like to offer a video and discussion series called Christianity Explored. Each session includes a talk (or DVD) designed to explain an aspect of Christian belief and to stimulate discussion while letting the gospel tell the gospel. To get things started, we’re looking for a handful of people to facilitate these small-group gatherings. If you’re interested in learning more, please join us on September 24 at 5pm at the church offices on Madison. Please sign up here.