The Latest News for August 4, 2019
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Westside Youth Neighborhood - Family Night
Neighborhood, our weekly gathering for students in Grades 6-12, will be meeting this Sunday, August 4, at 5pm at the Miller's home (36720 Royalton Rd, Grafton, 44044) for a special Family Night.
to Nate if you plan to attend.
Our Children's Ministry Is Growing!
This coming Sunday, August 4, the addition of our fifth Children's Ministry class will take effect. Our kids should move up to their new classes as follows:
Birth up to 2 years old - Library
2-3 year-olds - Library
4s and 5s (Not yet in kindergarten) - Choir Room
Lower Elementary
Kindergarten through 2nd Grade - Room 102
Upper Elementary
3rd-5th Grades - Room 104
Better Together: Cross Point Welcome
On August 11, we will have our first service to mark our official blending together of Cross Point Church into Parkside Church Westside. Please join us to give a warm welcome to our new friends from Cross Point. Everyone is also invited to stay afterwards for pizza and fellowship.
Baptism Preparation Workshop
Thinking about baptism? If so, please join us for a two-day Baptism Preparation Workshop (August 18 & 25) where we will discuss the biblical material related to baptism and help prepare those who are ready to be baptized at our next baptism service on September 8.
Children's Ministry Annual Meeting
If you serve with Parkside Westside's children's ministry, please plan to attend the annual meeting on September 8 at 9:15am to cover safety information as well as some suggestions on working with all types of children. All individuals should attend even if you serve as a couple or family. If you cannot attend this year's meeting, please email Lisa Lenhart to set up a time to meet separately.
Parkside at Prayer: August 11
Please join us for a special Parkside at Prayer on Sunday, August 11. We will meet at the future Parkside Church Westside building (16511 Hilliard Rd, Lakewood, 44107), for a brief time to explore from 5-5:30pm followed by a time of guided prayer from 5:30-6:30pm. No need to RSVP as we won't share a meal at this month's gathering, but we encourage you to take this opportunity to spend time with friends and family.
EOS Youth Retreat
The EOS ("End Of Summer") Retreat is an overnight trip for all students entering grades 6-12 at Camp Mission Meadows on Chautauqua Lake from Saturday August 24th to Sunday August 25th. The cost is $75 per student, which includes transportation, accommodations, activities and all meals with the exception of lunch on Saturday. Students may register here.