The Latest News for December 1, 2019
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Westside Youth Neighborhood
In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, Neighborhood will not meet this Sunday, December 1.
Children's Ministry Holiday Schedule
Please note the following adjustments to the children's ministry schedule in the coming weeks:
- December 1 - No Upper Elementary
- December 22 - No Children's Ministry (*Nursery Only)
- December 29 - No Upper Elementary
Family Advent Celebration
Pick up your fee copy of Advent: A Christmas Journey at the Welcome table on Sunday. This is a family reading plan with ornament craft for each day of Advent that accompany the Jesus Storybook Bible. We pray that this will be a helpful resource for parents to help their children grow in their understanding of the true reason we celebrate Christmas - the birth of Jesus!
Lakewood Christmas Store
For the past few years, Parkside Westside has partnered with the community to provide a free Christmas shopping experience for local families in need. Over the next few weeks, there will be plenty of opportunities to jump in and serve our Lakewood neighbors. For more information, check out the full blog post here.
Building Campaign
If you would still like to participate in our Pledge Campaign, we would welcome you to do so. If you have already pledged, you are now able to set up your online gift through the "Give" tab in CCB or designate your checks as "Building Campaign" in the memo line. For more information, please visit our Building Campaign webpage.