Parkside Church Westside Blog

The latest news for January 1, 2023

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Family News 

We grieve with Sharon Rosenlieb and her family upon the death of her stepfather, Donald.

Children and Youth - January 1st

Just a friendly reminder that Children's Ministry will not meet on Sunday, January 1st. All classes, including Youth Neighborhood, will resume on Sunday, January 8th.

Daily Devotionals

Begin 2023 by committing to a daily reading of God's Word. Pick up a New Testament Daily Devotional from our welcome area.

Women's Gathering 

There will not be a women's gathering this month. The next gathering will be Friday, February 3rd. We hope to see you there!

Coffee Team Help Needed  

Looking for a place to serve at Westside? Our coffee team helps set up and clean up our coffee station in the lower level on Sundays. You can fill out the volunteer form here if you're interested and contact Denise Dennis with questions. 

First Steps Bruncheon - January 8th

New to Parkside Westside? We'd love to meet you. We'll spend some time together after the first service hanging out, answering your questions, and introducing you to some on our leadership team. We will meet at 10:15am upstairs in Room 210 on Sunday, January 8th. Please RSVP and email  with questions. 

Membership Class - January 15th

If you'd like to take the next step toward membership at Parkside Westside, please join us for a brief class after the first service on January 15th. We'll spend some time looking at what it means to shift our focus from "me" to "we." We will meet in Room 210 at 10:15am. Sign-up here

Parkside Westside Playgroup - January 18th

Join the moms, dads, and caregivers of preschool aged children (ages birth-preschool) for some purposeful play alongside your child and his/her peers on Wednesday, January 18th, at 10:30am in the lower level. Questions? Contact .


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