The Latest News for January 15, 2017
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Westside Youth Neighborhood (grades 6-12) will meet Sunday, Jan. 8, from 6-7:30pm at the Patterson's home (11313 Lake Ave., Cleveland, OH 44102).
Be part of team as a teacher or helper that serves once every three weeks with our 3-and 4-year-olds. We provide all of the training and materials that you need. If you can help, visit parksidechurchwestside.com/serve to sign up today.
Read the Bible Every Day
The Daily Devotional New Testament provides 365 daily readings in the New Testament books of the Bible, along with reflections and encouragements from the text. Pick up a complimentary copy from the Welcome Area or get it for your Kindle here.
Parkside at Prayer: January 22
Everyone is welcome to join us on Sunday, Jan. 22, for this hour of prayer. Together we will continue to ask for God's grace as we aim to help people become committed followers of Jesus Christ. We will meet at the McAlvey's home in Lakewood to pray together and then have dinner for anyone who'd like to stick around for another hour. Please send Matt a quick if you are planning to attend.
First Steps Luncheon: February 12
If you’ve recently started attending Parkside Church Westside, then join us for a First Steps Luncheon after the service on February 12 at the church offices. Please RSVP by filling out the form on our website or through our app.
Westside youth will be hosting its first overnight Winter Retreat on Feb. 4-5 at Parkside Bainbridge Campus' youth facility: "The Warehouse". Cost will be $20, which includes all meals, activities, and transportation. Register today!