The Latest News for January 28, 2018
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Westside Youth Neighborhood
Westside Youth Neighborhood (grades 6-12) will be meeting this Sunday from 6-7:30pm at the church offices (15529 Madison Ave., Unit 1, Lakewood, 44107).
Parkside at Prayer – January 28
Everyone is welcome to join us on Sunday, Jan. 28, at 5:00pm at the McAlveys in Lakewood (1296 Hall Ave., Lakewood, 44017). Together we will continue to ask for God's grace as we aim to help people become committed followers of Jesus Christ and then have dinner for anyone who'd like to stick around for another hour. Please send Matt a quick
if you are planning to attend.
First Steps Luncheon – February 4
If you've recently started attending Parkside Church Westside, then join us for a First Steps Luncheon on February 4. We'll provide lunch after the Sunday service at the church offices on Madison (15529 Madison Ave., Unit 1, Lakewood, 44107) and introduce you to some on our church leadership team. The lunch is free and we just need your RSVP.
Christianity Explored – Begins February 11
Christianity Explored is a 7- session video and discussion course for anyone who has asked, “What is Christianity, and why does it matter?” Join us starting Sunday, February 11, at 5:30pm at the home of Rich and Sue Buesch (4912 Princeton Dr., North Royalton, 44133) for our first session. There is no cost to attend. Food and childcare will be provided, so an RSVP would be greatly appreciated! Sign up at parksidechurchwestside.com/CE today! Learn more>>
Membership Classes – February 25 & March 4
If you'd like to learn more about the process and importance of becoming a member of Parkside Church Westside, please join us after service on Feb. 25 and March 4. We’ll meet right after service at Garfield Middle School, as well as provide a light lunch and casual childcare. Please RSVP and plan to attend both classes. If you are unable to attend both classes, sign up here to be notified when our next classes are offered.
2017 Parkside Church Westside Giving Statements
Your 2017 Giving Statement from Parkside Church Westside are available through Church Community Builder. Please note, if you made a contribution during the last few weeks of December, please allow a couple of weeks for your donation to be processed before printing your statement. For more information, read this blog post.