Parkside Church Westside Blog

The latest news for March 3, 2024

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Parkside Westside Playgroup - March 6th

Join the moms, dads, and caregivers of preschool aged children (ages birth-preschool) for some purposeful play alongside your child and his/her peers on Wednesday, March 6th, at 10:30am in the lower level. We will have stations set up and have some time of song and stories. Feel free to pack your lunches and stick around after to eat together. Hope to see you there!

Praise and Worship Night - March 8th

Join us on Friday, March 8th, at 7:00pm in the auditorium for an evening of worship. During our evening of worship, we'll come together to hear readings of Scripture, lift our voices in worship, and have times of purposeful reflection as we dwell on the holiness and majesty of our God. Questions? Contact Jared Jolley or Madison Carr

Ice Skating Fellowship - March 10th

Join us for ice skating and pizza at the Hamilton Ice Arena in Rocky River! We'll meet at the ice rink after the Sunday services on March 10th for a time of fun and togetherness from 12:00pm-1:30pm. Please sign-up here before March 8th. 

Women's International Tea - March 15th

Come have friendly conversations with ladies living as foreigners in the Cleveland area. You do not need to have any training with English 
as a Second Language. Friendly conversation is all that is required. We'll meet in the lower level on Friday, March 15th at 10:30am. Contact Ruth if you'd like to attend.

Shoreline Women's Seminar - March 16th

Our friends at Shoreline will be hosting a women's seminar with Lydia Brownback as the speaker on Saturday, March 16th, from 9:00am-1:30pm. Ladies will encounter God in the Psalms with 3 sessions including Psalms 51, 73, and 139. Lunch will be provided and there will be time for questions and answers at the end of the seminar. Register here. 

Young Adult Game Night - March 23rd

All young adults ages 18-30ish are invited to a game night. Please bring a snack to share along with a game you would like to play, and join us in the lower level on Saturday, March 23rd at 6:30pm. Contact Ariel with questions.

First Steps Bruncheon - March 24th

New to Parkside Westside? We'd love to meet you on Sunday, March 24th. We'll spend some time together after the first service hanging out, answering your questions, and introducing you to some on our leadership team. We will meet at 10:15am in Room 112. Sign-up here

Parkside at Prayer - March 24th

Join us as we share a meal and pray together on Sunday, March 24th, at 5:00pm in the lower level. Please bring a side or accompaniment for the meal and to Matt.

Holy Week Gatherings - Mar. 25th-Mar. 31st 

This year Easter falls on Sunday, March 31st. Click here for Holy Week Gathering details. 

Action Day Camp - Save the Date! 

Save the date! Action Day Camp will take place this summer from June 10th-14th. ADC is for all students who have just finished Kindergarten through 5th grade. The day starts with mornings at Vacation Bible Camp at Parkside Church in Bainbridge, and continues through the afternoon with field trips to fun places in the greater Cleveland area. Be on the lookout for sign-up details.


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