Parkside Church Westside Blog

The latest news for March 9, 2025

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Women's Gathering - March 7th

Join the women of Westside for their first Friday of the month gathering on March 7th at 6:30pm in the lower level. This month's gathering will be a game night! We'll have board games and card games set up around the lower level. It's an informal night of togetherness and usually a lot of laughs. Whether you are new to Westside or have been attending for years, we hope to see you there! Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share and RSVP to Krista.

Ice Skating Fellowship - March 9th

Join us for ice skating and pizza at the Hamilton Ice Arena in Rocky River on March 9th! We'll meet at the ice rink after the Sunday services for a time of fellowship and togetherness. The cost is $5 per person which covers pizza and skate rentals (if needed). The maximum cost per family is $15.Sign-up closes on March 7th. Sign-up here.

Parkside Westside Playgroup - March 12th 

Join the moms, dads, and caregivers of preschool aged children (ages birth-preschool) for some purposeful play alongside your child and his/her peers. We will meet in the lower level on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 10:30am. We will have stations set up and have some time of song and stories. Feel free to pack your lunches and stick around after to eat together. Questions? Contact Beth. Hope to see you there!

Lent and Holy Week Gatherings - March 16th-April 20th  

In the weeks ahead leading up to our celebration of Jesus's resurrection on Easter Sunday, join us for our Lent and Holy Week gatherings. A complete list of events can be found here.  

International Women's Tea - March 21st 

Ladies, join us for tea and pastries on Friday, March 21st at 10:30am, as we seek to have friendly conversations with women wanting to learn or improve their English. Contact Ruth for location details.

Baptism Workshop - March 30th/April 6th

Baptism is a symbol of a restored relationship with God through faith in Jesus. Please join us for this two-part class to learn more about what this means as a public display of your faith in Jesus. We'll meet on March 30th and April 6th during the 9:30am service in Room 112. Baptisms will take place on April 13th during both services. Sign-up here. 

Save the Date for Action Day Camp! - June 9th-June 13th 

For all students who have just 
finished Kindergarten through 5th grade, Action Day Camp starts with mornings at Vacation Bible Camp at Parkside Bainbridge and continues through the afternoon with field 
trips. For all students who have just 
finished Kindergarten through 5th grade, Action Day Camp starts with mornings at Vacation Bible Camp at Parkside Bainbridge and continues through the afternoon with field 
trips. Keep an eye out for more information regarding registration. This event cannot happen without the help of adult and teen volunteers. Interested in learning more about 
volunteering? Contact Beth.


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