The Latest News for November 20, 2016
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Volunteer with Light Up Lakewood—Last Chance to Sign Up
Light Up Lakewood is a free, family-friendly event that celebrates the start of the holiday season with a parade, lighting ceremony, fireworks, live music, food trucks, and more. As a member of the Lakewood community, we would like to support this event by providing volunteer assistance. If you would like to help, please email us at by Monday, Nov. 21. The event takes place on Saturday, Dec. 3, in downtown Lakewood.
Westside Youth Neighborhood (grades 6-12) will be meeting this Sunday, Nov. 6, from 6-7:30pm at the Stallbaum's home (2140 Northland Avenue,
Lakewood, OH 44107).
Parkside at Prayer
This month we’ll meet at the McAlvey's home in Lakewood (1296 Hall Ave., Lakewood, 44107) on Sunday, November 20, at 5pm. We’ll pray together and then have dinner for anyone who would like to stick around for another hour. Please email Matt at if you are planning to attend. See you there!
No Upper Elementary on Sunday, Nov. 27
Next Sunday, Nov. 27, there will be no Upper Elementary class. Children in grades 2-5 should attend service with their parents.
If you've recently started attending Parkside Church Westside then join us for a First Steps Luncheon on December 11. We'll provide lunch after the Sunday service and will introduce you to some of the folks on our church leadership team. The lunch is free and we just need your RSVP.
Christmas and New Year’s Services
As the holiday season approaches, we wanted to give you a heads up about services for Christmas Day and New Year’s Day which fall on Sundays. We will have dialed back services on both days and invite all of the children to join the main congregation as the Children’s Ministry and nursery will not meet.