The Latest News for November 24, 2019
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Westside Youth Neighborhood
Students in Grades 6-12 this Sunday at 6pm are invited to attend our weekly youth gathering at the Stallbaum's in Lakewood (2140 Northland Ave). Invite a friend and we hope to see you there!
Lakewood Christmas Store
For the past few years, Parkside Westside has partnered with the community to provide a free Christmas shopping experience for local families in need. Over the next few weeks, there will be plenty of opportunities to jump in and serve our Lakewood neighbors. For more information, check out the full blog post here.
Building Campaign
If you would still like to participate in our Pledge Campaign, we would welcome you to do so. If you have already pledged, you are now able to set up your online gift through the "Give" tab in CCB or designate your checks as "Building Campaign" in the memo line. For more information, please visit our Building Campaign webpage.
Parkside at Prayer
Everyone is welcome to join us for this time of prayer on November 24 at 5pm. We'll meet at the McAlvey home to pray and have dinner together. Please email Matt at
if you are planning to attend.
Children's Ministry Holiday Schedule
Please note the following adjustments to the children's ministry schedule in the coming weeks:
- December 1 - No Upper Elementary
- December 22 - No Children's Ministry (*Nursery Only)
- December 29 - No Upper Elementary