The Latest News for October 8, 2017
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Westside Youth Neighborhood
Westside Youth Neighborhood (grades 6-12) will be meeting this Sunday from 6-7:30pm at the Ohnmeis’ home (30322 Provincetown Lane, Bay Village, 44140).
Sunday Morning Prayer
Every Sunday morning we meet at 9:30am in the Garfield Middle School gymnasium to pray. Anyone is welcome to join us for these 15 minutes together as we seek God's help in our time together.
Women's Prayer Time-Oct 11
Women, on Oct 11 at 7pm, meet together with other women at Mandy Hockenberger's home (8625 Hollis Lane, Brecksville, 44141) to pray for Parkside Church Westside. Join us as we unite our voices in prayer asking for God's continued guidance as we help people become committed followers of Jesus Christ.
Join a Community Group
Are you looking for a way to get more involved at Parkside Westside? Consider joining one of our Community Groups this fall. Check our Calendar of Events to see when a group near you is meeting. We'll be studying James this fall and group leaders will have study materials available. A $10 fee for study materials is requested and you can Visit parksidechurchwestside.com/groups for more information.
Serve With Us — Set-up/Tear-down Team Driver
We are still in need of set-up/tear-down team drivers. Responsibilities include picking up and returning our equipment trailer at a storage unit on Sunday mornings. If you are interested, please contact the church office as soon as possible. Thank you!