Parkside Church Westside Blog

The latest news for September 3, 2023

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Family News

We rejoice with Drew and Betsy Martin upon the birth of their son, Lewis.  

Join a Community Group

Community groups are kicking off this September with a study of the gospel 
of Mark. Groups meet in people's homes throughout the westside. Click here for a complete list of group locations and meeting times or pick-up a list from our Welcome Area.   

First Steps Bruncheon - September 10th

New to Parkside Westside? We'd love to meet you. We'll spend some time together after the first service hanging out, answering your questions, and introducing you to some on our leadership team. We'll meet in Room 210 on Sunday, September 10th, at 10:15am. RSVP here if you plan to attend.   

Men's Gathering - September 12th

Join the men of Westside on Tuesday, September 12th, at 6:30pm in the lower level. We'll look at God's Word together and hear a Testimony. The meeting will be interactive with plenty of opportunity for discussion and fellowship. Bring family, friends, co-workers and neighbors with you! Please contact Dave Hess with questions.   

Parkside at Prayer - September 17th

Join us as we share a meal and pray together on Sunday, September 17th, at 5:00pm in the lower level. Please bring a side or accompaniment for the meal and to Matt if you plan to attend.   

Parkside Westside Playgroup - September 20th

Playgroup is back! Join the moms, dads, and caregivers of preschool aged children (ages birth-preschool) for some purposeful play alongside your child. We will resume Playgroup on Wednesday, September 20th at 10:30am in the lower level. Feel free 
to pack your lunches and stick 
around after to eat together. 
Questions? Contact

Women's Gathering - October 6th 

Our first Friday of the month women's gatherings will resume on Friday, October 6th, at 6:30pm in the lower level. We will hear a speaker on her heroes, hardships, and highlights. We will have time for conversation and discussion. Whether you are new to Westside or have been attending for years, we hope to see you there! Feel free to bring an appetizer or dessert to share. to Krista.  

Forgiveness Workshop - October 7th 

Our friends at Fieldstone Counseling are hosting an interactive forgiveness workshop designed to help participants walk through the process of forgiveness with wisdom and strength. The workshop will be held at Parkside Westside on Saturday, October 7th, from 9:00am-2:30pm. Register here.

Membership Class - October 15th 

If you'd like to take the next step toward membership at Parkside Westside, please join us for a brief class after the first service on October 15th. We'll spend some time looking at what it means to shift our focus from "me" to "we." Sign-up here if you plan to attend.


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