This Sunday: A Reminder for Parents and a Preview of Christianity Explored
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Two quick reminders for this coming Sunday, December 17...
Children's Choir
Parents, just a reminder that our Westside kids will be treating the congregation to a couple of songs this Sunday to help us get into the Christmas spirit. If you have any questions, or need more information, contact Lisa Lenhart at (440) 223-3758.
Christianity Explored Preview
Join us for a few minutes after this Sunday's service for a quick preview of Christianity Explored, a 7- session video and discussion series that explores Mark's Gospel to find out more about the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith - Jesus Christ. Christianity Explored is a way of sharing the best news ever heard, and gives people space and time to think about the big questions of life. In the next few months, we'd like to begin offering this course to anyone who wants to investigate Christianity informally with a group of other people.
See you there!