Two Things for July 23, 2017
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On July 23, we have two things going on -- Name Amnesty Sunday and Picnic in the Park.
What is Name Amnesty Sunday?
Name Amnesty Sunday* is a day where you are free to ask anyone their name without shame or embarrassment. It is also a day where you grant amnesty to those who have forgotten your name.
On July 23, help us by filling in a nametag when you come to church, and, if you see a visitor, explain to them what the nametags are about. It may seem a little awkward at first, but we think it will be a fun and helpful way to continue to make connections.
*Thanks to our friend, Tim Challies, at www.challies.com, from whom we've shamelessly borrowed this great idea!
Picnic in the Park
And after you've learned a few names of your fellow Westsiders, get to know them even better at our Picnic in the Park! Pack a lunch and join us at the pavilion at Lakewood Park (14532 Lake Ave., Lakewood, 44107) on July 23 after service to hang out and enjoy each other's company. Nothing fancy, just a time to hang out.
See you then!