Westside: Looking Ahead
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Over these past few months together, the Lord has made it so clear that He is stirring up new things among us. We know that this season ahead will be full of transition and some unknowns, but we also know that it will be full of God’s goodness and mercy as He continues to usher us forward.
We wanted to take a moment to provide a more cohesive summary of all that is to come in the next weeks. We would like to invite you all to continue praying with us for unity in the spirit as we officially blend with our brothers and sisters from Cross Point Church this coming Sunday, August 11. Pray that we would truly be “Better Together” – that as iron sharpens iron, we would strengthen, challenge, and admonish one another to become more like Christ.
It so humbling that God has provided us a building as He has simultaneously grown our church family. We are glad to say that we are set to close on the purchase of the Good Soil building this Friday, August 9 and renovations are scheduled to begin on August 12.
We know that so many of you have been deeply invested in the building process – thank you. You have given us your trust, you have prayed fervently and now we are excited to invite you to see it, touch it, and experience it for yourselves! We hope that you are able to join us for a special Parkside at Prayer at the new building on August 11 at 5:00pm for a time of exploration, fellowship, and guided prayer as we ask the Lord Jesus to bless it in his name.
It is estimated that the renovations will take approximately 5-6 months to complete, but we acknowledge that a century building can present some unique and sometimes unforeseen challenges. As we enter another season of waiting, though shorter, we hope to come together in an effort to raise an additional half million for the purchase and renovations of the building. Our total budget is coming in around $2.5 million. In addition to the half million we have saved and the half million we hope to raise, we are on the receiving end of a generous half million gift from Parkside Bainbridge. The remaining $1 million will be borrowed in the form of a loan in cooperation with Parkside Bainbridge. We feel that this is a conservative approach and we are grateful for the full support of Parkside Bainbridge throughout this process and for all those who have helped us in our due-diligence over these past few months.
We praise God for His faithfulness to us. We’re so expectant for all that He is doing among us in Lakewood for the sake of the gospel and His glory.