Women's Coffee Connection
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Come Along and get to Know Someone a Little Better
Women, invite your friends to the Women’s Coffee Connection on Saturday, January 30, at 9:30am, over at our office space. We will provide the coffee and refreshments, you provide the friends and conversation. We've talked a lot about the important place of relationships and how God uses these intricately in our growth and our hope is that a couple of hours on this Saturday will help further these things. Something warm to drink, something good to eat and the opportunity to get to know someone a little better....sounds like good times will be had by all. We hope to see you there!
Women's Coffee Connection
Saturday, January 30 at 9:30am
15529 Madison Ave., Unit 1
Lakewood, OH 44107
Parking is available behind Barrio, on the street and there's a small city lot on the other side of Madison Ave. Questions? Send us an or give us a call, 216.430.0585.