Parkside Church Westside Blog

Church Progress Meeting
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Church Progress Meeting Hi Friends! This Sunday after the morning service we are going to take about 40 minutes for an update on how things are coming along for us at Parkside Westside. The quick summary is that we are off to a good start as God has guarded us from drama and divisiveness. We...

Women's Coffee Connection
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Come Along and get to Know Someone a Little Better Women, invite your friends to the Women’s Coffee Connection on Saturday, January 30, at 9:30am, over at our office space. We will provide the coffee and refreshments, you provide the friends and conversation. We've talked a lot about...

First Steps Luncheon - February
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If you've recently started attending Parkside Church Westside then join us for a First Steps Luncheon on February 7. We'll provide lunch after the Sunday service and will introduce you to some on our church leadership team. The lunch is free and we just need your RSVP. RSVP Today> First...

Will we cancel because of inclement weather?
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Greetings to you on what is a legitimate winter week! With snow now on the ground and temperatures dipping down we thought that it would be good to share our inclement weather plan. We've gotten a few questions about it so here's our current thinking: We won't cancel our Sunday services for...

Parkside at Prayer on Jan. 16
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Everyone is welcome to join us for this hour of prayer. Together we will continue to ask for God's grace as we aim to help people become committed followers of Jesus Christ. Bring a cup of coffee with you or we'll have some brewed up for you. We'll be meeting on our church offices that...

3+3+3 = Areas of Opportunity
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3 + 3 + 3 = Areas of Opportunity As we welcome in this new year we wanted to talk numbers with you. Don't won't need an app to figure out the answer to this mathematics equation. We just need you. We are looking for 3 people to serve on our set-up team, 3 people in our...