The Latest News for August 26, 2018
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Westside Youth Neighborhood
Westside Youth Neighborhood (grades 6-12) will be taking a break this Sunday. Our next get together will be in September. Check our Calendar of Events for the most up-to-date information.
Children’s Ministry Volunteers – Aug 26 (9:15am)
Our first Children's Ministry volunteer refresher meeting will be this Sunday at 9:15am before service. We'll meet in the Upper Elementary classroom (Room 102). If you serve in Children’s Ministry, please plan to attend this meeting or our next one on Sep 9 (after service) to go over some important information relevant to children's ministry, including safety issues and suggestions on working with all types of children. Everyone who serves should attend. Questions? Contact Lisa at
Children Move Up to Their New Classes – Aug 26
With the school year just around the corner, Parkside Westside kids will also start a new school on August 26. If you're kids are moving up a grade level, please sure they attend the correct class on Sundays, as well.
*Nursery: Birth-35 months
*Preschool: 3-4 year olds
*Lower Elementary: 5 year olds (by Oct. 1) through 2nd Grade
*Upper Elementary: 3rd-5th Grades
*Youth: 6th-12th Grades should attend service and are invited to attend Neighborhood on Sunday evenings at 6pm.
Serve With Us – Children’s Ministry
As our church family continues to grow, so does our need for help with our Children's Ministry. We currently need people to help in our preschool and lower elementary classes. If you’ve been looking for a place to serve, please sign up at parksidechurchwestside.com/serve to get started. If you have questions, please contact Lisa at
Serve With Us – Driver Team
Looking for a place to serve? We are in need of 1-2 more drivers for our Sunday morning set-up/tear-down team. We have a sweet new parking place that makes driving the van and trailer super easy! No more backing up or hooking up the trailer to the van. If you are able to help once a month, please contact the church office.
How People Change Workshop
On Saturday, Sep 8, our friends at Bay Presbyterian in Bay Village will host "How People Change," a one-day workshop taught by Pastor Jonathan Holmes, executive director of Fieldstone Counseling. In this one-day seminar, we will study the intricacies of the human heart and examine the beauty of the gospel that transforms daily life in a real and tangible way. Cost to attend is $15 and includes lunch. Learn more and register at parksidechurchwestside.com/hpc.