The Latest News for Feb. 17, 2019
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Westside Youth Neighborhood
"Neighborhood" is what we call our Sunday evening connection for Westside Youth. We meet on most Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:30pm in a local home. We laugh together, study the Bible, and do our best to make this a welcoming place for students to bring along a friend from school or the neighborhood. This week, we'll be meeting at the Jurcas in Avon (3423 Tuscany Circle, Avon, 44011). Invite a friend and we hope to see you there!
Parkside at Prayer: February 24
Everyone is welcome to join us for this hour of prayer on Feb. 24 at 5pm at the McAlvey's home (1296 Hall Ave., Lakewood, 44107). We will pray together and then have dinner for anyone who'd like to stick around for another hour. Please send Matt a quick email if you are planning to attend.
Dealing with Divorce: The Seminar Series
If you are divorced, separated, or are going through divorce, join us at Parkside Church in Bainbridge for a 7-week seminar series beginning February 28 from 7-9 pm. Each week will feature a different speaker addressing a divorce-related issue. There is no cost to attend and childcare is available. Register at parksidechurch.com/divorce.
Children's Ministry Helpers Needed
Do you enjoy working with kids? If so, we could use your help in our Preschool and Nursery. We need 5-6 more helpers to assist our teachers in these classes. If you’ve been looking for a place to serve, sign up at parksidechurchwestside.com/serve and fill out our Volunteer form today!
Save These Summer Dates: June 10-14
Parents and volunteers, save these summer dates for Action Day Camp, a fun-filled week for for students in kindergarten (completed by June) through 5th grade. We'll start our mornings at Vacation Bible Camp at Parkside Church in Bainbridge followed by fun afternoon activities. Action Day Camp is a great opportunity for Westside kids to introduce their friends to Jesus. Start thinking about who you'll invite and stay tuned for more details!