The Latest News for Sept. 23, 2018
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Westside Youth Neighborhood
Westside Youth Neighborhood (grades 6-12) will be meeting this Sunday at 6pm at the Ohnmeis' home (30322 Provincetown Ln., Bay Village, 44140). Invite a friend and see you there!
Fall Community Groups
Our Community Groups are a great way to get connected at Parkside Westside! Groups meet in area homes throughout the Westside during the week to study the Bible, pray, and share in life together. Everyone is welcome! To find a group near you, visit our "Join a Community Group" page or download our app.
First Steps Luncheon This Sunday
If you've recently started attending Parkside Church Westside then join us for a First Steps Luncheon this Sunday, Sept. 23. We'll meet in Room 102 after our Sunday service and will introduce you to some on our church leadership team. The lunch is free and we just need your RSVP.
Parkside at Prayer This Sunday Evening
Everyone is welcome to join us for this hour of prayer. Together we will continue to ask for God's grace as we aim to help people become committed followers of Jesus Christ. This month, we will meet at the McAlvey's home in Lakewood (1296 Hall Ave., Lakewood, 44107). We will pray together and then have dinner for anyone who'd like to stick around for another hour. Please send Matt (
) a quick email if you are planning to attend. See you there!
Serve With Us – Meals Team
Over the next few months, Parkside Westside will be booming with babies and serving with our Meals Team is a great way to bless these new families. You don't have to be great cook to participate. Meals can be homemade or ordered from their favorite takeout places. Either way, the help of a meal can make it easier for new families during this busy and tiring time. If you'd like to join this ministry, fill out our Volunteer Sign Up form today!
Serve With Us – Drivers
Looking for a place to serve? We are in need of 1-2 more drivers for our Sunday morning Set-up/Tear-down Team. We have a sweet new parking place that makes driving the van and trailer super easy! No more backing up or hooking up the trailer to the van. If you can help once a month, sign up for the Set-up/Tear-down Team today!